Monday, September 15, 2008

You May Not See It, But I Do...

I've thought many times that I've married a man that looks remarkably like my father.  I'm sure there are all kinds of psychological (or psychotic) reasons for this, but it really does freak me out sometimes.  These two pictures really don't capture it, but you get the idea.  

I grew up knowing my Dad in paint-and-clay-splattered jeans and a Hanes pocket tee.  When Jim worked as a painter this summer, he came home in the same attire.  It was almost too much.

Their personalities have many commonalities, but are mostly fairly different.  God has blessed me with a beautiful and healthy relationship with my Daddy and, well, I really have no words for how much love and adoration that I have for my husband.

Thank you, Daddy, for showing me how a man should love and cherish his woman.  And thank you, Jim, for putting that into action every day, selflessly and faithfully.        

Thank you, my Heavenly Father and the Lover of My Soul for being the fulfillment and true substance of these men here on earth.  They are but a shadow of who You are in relationship to me - as wonderful as they may be, they will fail and never come close to the fullness of You.  

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