Although, I am pretty torn about how I feel. I treasure every moment that I have with him so close to me, such a part of me. I am beginning to notice when he wakes up and when he's very still. And it's actually starting to resemble a sort of schedule (big movement at 2:38 AM one night, then 2:53 AM the next, for example). I know that I will miss the security and hospitable design that my womb offers. While it's beginning to be cramped and I'm noticing a slight "waddle" in my step, these are fleeting days that I cherish.
On the other hand, I can't wait to meet him! I'm ready to hold him in my arms and stroke his cheeks and feel how soft his earlobes are. I want to count his fat rolls and see how his entire foot fits perfectly in my hand. I want to pass him around to his uncles, aunts, and grandparents. I want to feed him and, believe it or not, change his diaper. And please don't say, "All that is fun at first... but just you wait!". This is where I am right now.
Anyway, on to more technical things. In about 20 minutes, I need to drink my glucose drink before I go to my 10:00 appointment with Dr. Stafford. Also after this appointment, we move to visits every 2 weeks, and then to every week! I've had some pretty sharp pain in my tailbone when I stand up, so I'm going to ask him about that today. I'm sure it's just a normal pain that comes with carrying another human, but sometimes it can be really painful.
I've started to feel the shortness of breath that can come in the 3rd trimester, but thankfully, my body seems to be coping pretty well with carrying him around. In general, I feel good and happy and alive. God is so merciful.
I'll letcha know how the appointment goes today!
hey sara! thinking about you three as you near the finish line/starting gate, depending on how you look at it:)
here's to a terrific third trimester!
GETTIN' CLOSE!!! Whoo hoo!!
Yay for being ten weeks away! Don't worry, I will never say "it'll be fun at the beginning but just you wait..." I hate when people make comments like that. Yes it's a lot of work, and yes there are highs and lows, but not a day goes by that I don't catch my breath with wonder over my precious little boy - God's gift to us - even when it means endless diapers and feedings and messes. :) I'm so excited for you guys!
I've had shortness of breath since almost the beginning - guess that tells me how good of shape I'm in. :) AND I've had tailbone pain too! I looked it up - completely normal. Can't wait to meet the lil guy!!
Nathan did the same "party in the womb" at about 3:00 am. And...that continued after he was born. If you think about it, when you are up and moving about during the day, it is like you are rocking him to sleep. But when you are still, he wakes up. Nathan finally, finally got his schedule straightened out at about 6 weeks. I reminded myself (and do still) to cherish every moment (even with the sleep deprivation) because these baby days go sooooo quickly!
This is such a sweet time of life- carrying your baby so close to you. I'm so happy you are cherishing it! I guess I never think that changing diapers and taking care of my little ones get old- it's a privilege and an honor to do it for them!! (Although sometimes big girl poo is rough...) I miss you in class and hope to see you soon!!!
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