A couple months ago, I began feeling like way too much of my brain and time and attention were directed toward our precious little white Mac. I've cut back a little. Nothing personal.
But here are a few updates:
Jim has been home for the summer and we've been spending a lot of quality family time together. It's been fabulous. We look super cheesy taking our tandem bike rides through the neighborhood with James in his new bike seat (OH, how he loves it!).
Jim has also been writing a book! I'm prouder than a peacock of this man. He'll give me sections to read (he's done about 4 chapters so far) and its beauty brings tears to my eyes. It's a very approachable investigation of the Bible as a cohesive story and why that's important. You'll just have to read it :)
I start a new job in the fall teaching at Jim's school. I'm thrilled about this, but it's definitely been a journey. I was more than content at my old job, but when I stumbled upon this listing and Jim and I began talking and praying through it, it began to seem more and more like something we should do. As I began the interview process, confirmations were practically slapping me in the face.
I'll be teaching small, multi-grade English classes in the school resource center. It's a perfect fit for us right now... BUT it's full-time. I wasn't ready for that part. I wasn't ready to leave James. He's still so young.
My heart is still grieving and wrestling with this but God is gracious to provide not only this job, but comfort and reassurance for me. The childcare that we will have in place is wonderful. A new friend whose husband also teaches at school keeps one other baby -- and get this: he's James' age -- in her home. We'll ride to school as a family, she will take James to her home, play, nap, eat lunch, etc., then bring him back to school at 3 pm. Plus, in this situation, Jim and I will both be home all summer and have all the same breaks!
I know it will be a huge adjustment, so please pray for me. James will be just fine; I'll be the wreck. I don't know what the future will look like (who does?) but I'm confident that this is the next chapter for us. And God is good.
I think that's about it for now. James is still very busy, pushing his carts and toys through the house. Not quite walking confidently yet, but we're in no rush.