The day that Jim "was allowed" to tell his students that I was pregnant, he wrote a song for our baby. I was 8 weeks along and the little embryo was about the size of a raspberry. Hence, the name of the song, Raspberry You. You can go here to listen, but have some tissues handy. It's so cute/beautiful/exciting/I-love-my-husband-so-much-I-can't-stand-it-sometimes!! This is also how we came to call our baby Raspberry - and probably will continue until the poor kid is in college. Don't worry, if it's a boy, we'll call him Razz :)
There is a line in the chorus that asks, "... will it be curls and twirls..." and then later, "... will it be flames and games...?" referring to the unknown gender, obviously. FINALLY, on Thursday, we'll know what it is!! It will be so good to be able to say him or her at last!
If I'm being perfectly honest, I would say that I hope it's a boy. (I can't believe I'm putting this in writing to one day scar my child forever, if it happens to be a girl). I hope that's not terrible of me to say. Of course I will love this baby to death, no matter the gender... but I've been spoiled with two of the greatest Big Brothers on the planet and I would love that for our future *Lord willing* daughter.
See? Aren't they wonderful?? (Matt's on the left, Mikey on the right).
About 98% of people we ask think it's a girl. Some more sure than others - like my Mama and my friend Beka. Beka confidently, and with pride, uses the pronouns "she" and "her" all the time... and corrects me when I don't. :) I will be thrilled to have a little girl... don't get me wrong. She will be surrounded with God-exalting "aunties" and will have the best Daddy ever. And that is worth mountains of gold... I should know.
I can't wait to see our little Raspberry on the screen and know that he/she is REALLY in there! Please pray that Raspberry is healthy and happy. Jim and I haven't really been praying against certain "differences" because I don't believe that God makes mistakes. We have been praying, however, that He will make us prepared, patient, and trusting for whatever may come. I wonder sometimes if that is the wrong way to pray, but at the same time I see so many instances where children that are born with certain obstacles become beacons of Light to so many around them. So, not mine, but Thy will be done.
Look for ultrasound pictures and another big, fat post to come!!
By the way, what do you think it will be?
an ape... we will birth the missing link.
actually, i loveth thee so much and am glad we get to trust Jesus together in this. and have a human!!
I can't wait to hear=) That is a sweet picture of you and your brothers by the way...
I guess a girl.
Make sure to eat a candy bar before your ultrasound to get the little babe moving around!
I'm certainly not one to predict the sex of the baby, but I can say I love your husband. Not in a homewrecker kind of way, don't worry.
I have thought boy this whole time!
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