I can't wait to see sweet baby James in these.

Where does the poop go when I wash them, you ask? To start, supposedly breast milk-baby-poop is a cinch for washers to take care of, so no problem at the beginning. Then, after solid food enters the scene, the directions read, "simply plop solids into the toilet, flush, and wash diaper as usual". I'm sure there will be times when its not that simple, but I still think the cost will be worth it.
By the time he's out of diapers, we will have saved over $2000. To begin cloth diapering from scratch, it costs about $300-500. Total. Plus, we can reuse them for future babies AND they're one size fits all. See the adjustable snaps? The ones pictured are about $25 per diaper (I know - I balked, too) but when you think of not having to throw away 65 diapers a day.....
Lest you think I've completely lost my mind, we're still going to have disposables on hand for traveling, emergencies, and sleepless nights at the beginning. I've heard that if you can get into a washing routine, these diapers are spectacular.
Hey Sara! We use bumGenius! We LOVE them and you're right, they do look adorable! :) Quick question... what made you decide to go with the all-in-one over the one-size with inserts? Also, where are you ordering from?
P.S. If you haven't seen these in action yet, come on up to Hickory Cove and Russell will show you how they work! :)
Two things:
#1 - I totally want to try to use these!! But I don't know ANYBODY local who uses cloth diapers to get tips from. And all my friends who are parents totally scoff at me when I say I'm considering it. But then they all whine about the cost of disposables, so ...
#2 - Those are SO CUTE!!
I really want to try cloth diapers too. Brandon's family gave us a diapers/wipes shower so we are set with disposables for several more months, but when they run out, I might give this brand a try. You are right about the landfill...so far today I have probably changed Nathan's diaper about 12 times!
I've thought about snaps a lot... ours are velcro (which josh likes). I'm looking at trying a couple of others with snaps for friends who are expecting. I haven't seen bumgenius one-size with the snaps.
We went with the velcro 'cause I loved the bumgenius style, but I didn't want to have to buy 12 diapers of each different size, YIKES! So we ended up with the bumgenius one-size (w/inserts). Fuzzy Bunz has literally JUST released a one-size diaper with snaps that I really want to try out.
Also, we bought a diaper sprayer for the toilet and it works great, you don't have to remove the insert to spray it off.
This is a ridiculously long comment! :)
AHHHH!!!! You're cloth diapering?!?!?!
Seriously. That just made my day. Beware the addiction. It's only 'supposed' that you save money. ;) And just so you know, all-in-ones take longer to dry than others(pockets, all-in-two's, prefolds, fitteds, etc).
Two of my faves for you to Google:
Little Luxe Organics(made by a friend of mine)
Baby Soft Wraps
If you have questions, shoot 'em my way. :)
you are brave! I give you props for wanting to do it. Caleb is only 10 days old and we have already been through 120 diapers.
Have you ever heard of Works for Me Wednesday? There are at least 4-5 suggestions every wednesday about cloth diapers, how to clean them, etc. We're not at the considering children stage yet but I've learned a lot already from these websites.
The address is:
You should check out 153 this week it's all about cleaning cloth diapers and tips in the comments of that blog.
Although, I must warn you, if you start looking every week you might get addicted to all of the tips from other people.
I'm SO excited I found another person wanting to do cloth diapers!! I get crazy faces a lot when I tell people we went to do that. I sent you the email about the ones we're considering but am definitely open to all the information out there!
Sara--I've often thought about how much money I would've saved if I'd cloth diapered four kids ago! It woulda financed a family trip to Greece! You'll have to let us know how it goes. Praying for you right now to have a blessed day.
I'm so glad you're using bumGenius!!! Next baby we have we're totally going this route! Yay!
That is AWESOME! I have contemplated it and gone back and forth so often. We travel an average of 2 weeks out of the month but if I could justify spending that upfront money on cloth diapering the other 2 weeks I'd love to. I'm gonna go through all your comments to get ideas from everybody else. I do have to say that you don't have to spend a fortune on disposable diapers though. I already have hundreds of diapers that I've been stocking up on and getting them with CVS deals and coupons and I've only paid about $20 altogether so far.
I'd love you to blog your progress and where you find the best prices and stuff!!!
Hey, potty talk is very exciting=)
The best way to clean cloth diapers is to pre-rinse them off in the toilet using a Hand Bathroom Bidet Sprayer. So convenient and if you are trying to help the environment (and your pocket book) you can give it a double whammy by virtually eliminating toilet paper use at the same time as you benefit from using it on the diapers, by using it on yourself. I think Dr. Oz on Oprah said it best: "if you had pee or poop on your hand, you wouldn't wipe it off with paper, would you? You'd wash it off" Available at www.bathroomsprayers.com they come in an inexpensive kit and can be installed without a plumber. And after using one of these you won't know how you lasted all those years with wadded up handfuls of toilet paper. Now we're talking green and helping the environment without any pain.
I just read that they are carrying bumGenius diapers at Target now. So if you register there you can add them to your list. That will help out on the cost out of your pocket. These look like amazing cloth diapers. I was looking into Kushies but and being pulled to the bumGenius one size. It will be a lot cheaper than buying several sizes.
Yay! I'm a LOVER of cloth diapers and the money they save! People thought I was crazy when I went that direction, but it has been a FANTASTIC experience for us! And, yes, I recommend the disposables for traveling and overnight. Good luck!
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