- First of all, SC Law provides that a woman may breast feed her child in any location where the mother is authorized to be and that the act of breast feeding is not considered indecent exposure.
- 12 states exempt breast feeding mothers from jury duty.
- Puerto Rico requires airports, shopping malls, and other public places to provide clean, private areas that ARE NOT bathrooms for breast feeding mothers.
- Maryland exempts any breast feeding product (pumps, etc.) from sales tax!
Ultimately, I feel like it's MORE than polite to use a cover up and that mothers should use their good judgment and discretion as to the tone and context of their surroundings. Let's try not be militant, bra-burning booby flashers out there.
P.S. A friend of mine wrote a blog post about an nasty run-in with a rude, anti-public-feeding lady... I hope this helps, H.J.
so good... you forgot to mention that public breast-feeding is ENCOURAGED at waffle house!
I'm glad I could inspire a blog post.
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