EMOTIONS: Are running rampant. Last night I cried/whimpered myself to sleep. It was instigated by some random, current drama in my little life, but was relentlessly stoked and kept fresh by my lack of solid, scheduled sleep. Jim was, of course, an immediate source of comfort and compassion. Which brings me now to...
SLEEP: Which will not come. Good sleep, anyway. My belly isn't particularly uncomfortable. It's the temperature fluctuations. Toss. Turn. Throw blanket off. Put blanket on. Turn. Throw blanket off. Toss. Cover just legs. Kick. Cover just head. Turn. Sit straight up at 4:13 a.m. and go "Ugh!".
TUNA: My lunch every day. I can't get enough of it. I mix one can with a little mayo and sweet relish. Then I top off saltines with my tuna (about 1/2 sleeve). Chased with an apple or an orange, and of course a cookie or something to appease the raging sweet tooth monster. Mmm...
JOY: Should be mine. I just re-read my first two Friday words and felt a little disheartened about how whiney they are. I have everything in the world to be thankful for. Not for one second should my joy be wasted on silly things like "hor-motions" (Jim's word) or lack of sleep. I know that's not exactly reality, but I should at least strive for it. Meh.
I love reading your progress on here.. I just wanted to tell you to be careful with the tuna (i am sure you know this, but albacore tuna is supposedly a big no no while pregnant) due to mercury content in the canned tuna. Tuna that is not albacore is fine.. I wanted tuna this last pregnancy as well.
sorry sarah this is lauren.. i didn't know i was signed into brads blog...
You are SO sweet and honest, I LOVE that! I completely understand the hormones thing. Crying for no reason at all...ugh.
In my last few months, I couldn't sleep at all. I also got the Hives. So, not only was I hot, and unable to sleep, I was scratching myself to death. The shower always made me feel better, so sometimes I'd get in the shower at three in the morning and scratch with a shampoo bottle...lol
I don't know why pregnancy must be so mean to us.
Girl, I cried myself to sleep so many times while I was pregnant and it was over the silliest stuff. Like the nursery not being ready and me not feeling like I was prepared to be a good mom. And I had trouble getting good sleep too..a body pillow helped me some, but what helped the most was having the ceiling fan whirring on its fastest speed! :)
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