I am no stranger to heartburn. But, wow. In the last two days it's been "radiating from my knee caps". I've been drinking lots of water and *trying* to avoid all those lovely, delicious foods that tend to cause it. But, as I told my friend Sarah last night, "I think my stomach is starting to lose the battle for room in there." Not a lot you can do about that.
James is also moving so much. Yesterday some part of him slid entirely from one side of my belly to the other. It stopped me in my tracks and actually sort of frightened me. It's one thing to feel little flutters, but this was so other-worldly and so clearly separate from my own body... I couldn't help but be floored.
Jim and I are almost halfway through our 12 Bradley Method birth classes. We have both been so pleased and with each class I feel a little more confident and even excited about labor and delivery. Not unrealistic, mind you, but I just feel more and more educated about the whole process. I would definitely recommend this method to anyone that wants to go for a natural birth. It's so in depth, yet still simple, straight forward, and logical.
If you didn't know how to swim and someone told you that in 9 months you would be thrown into deep water, you would want to prepare, right? While nothing besides actually learning to swim in water could get you ready, you would want to do something to prepare. That's what I feel like this class is. We learn the how, the why, the mechanics and "normal" processes of birth so that we can be as in control as possible when the event actually takes place. Nothing can truly and completely prepare us, but darn it if I'm just going to sit back and pretend like it's going to be a breeze.
Anyway, that's pretty much what's going on in this little life-o-mine.
"I've been drinking lots of water and *trying* to avoid all those lovely, delicious foods that tend to cause it."
Now.....is hot sauce one of those foods you've been "trying to avoid"? Just curious! :)
You have reminded me of the agonizing heartburn that I too was plagued with. I bought a jumbo bottle of Tums every week, and would sometimes have to pop them in the middle of the night. There is nothing worse than heartburn. I'm not even sure that child birth compares to heartburn =)
And I never will ever forget how it feels to have your baby move from one side to the other. It's such an odd feeling, it does make you stop in your tracks. The fun part is watching it happen. It makes you feel funny watching your belly move in waves.
Do you take anything for the heartburn? I take Prilosec OTC every morning and it completely took away the acidity and the burn...my food still comes up instead of going down but at least it doesn't burn on the way up...might be something you want to try.
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