Everything looked pretty good at my prenatal appointment yesterday. James' heart rate was about the same, nice and strong. He kept kicking/karate chopping the doppler wand so we would hear, "Heartbeat, heartbeat, heartbeat, KAPOW!, heartbeat, KAPOW!..." Jim likes to think he was appreciating the rhythmic and percussive qualities that it created.
My blood pressure was up a little bit, but nothing to be alarmed about, they said. I've also gained about 14 pounds from the beginning until now. 6 lbs. between the first two visits and 8 this last time. I never thought I'd hear this, but the nurse ACTUALLY said, "Now, your weight is just fine and healthy, especially since you started our thin... but let's not make 8 pounds per visit a habit".
Ex-squeeze me?? Did you just tell me to watch my weight?? Since my teenage years doctors have always told me to, "put on a few pounds if I can...". She has no idea, but it completely made my life.
Dr. Stafford also gave my the orange-flavored glucose ick to drink an hour before my next visit. It's currently in the refrigerator chilling and looking oh-so-much like a Sunkist calling my name. Can't wait for that little treat...
My face has also currently EXPLODED into a beautiful rosacea hue, dappled with some lovely zit-ious maximus that make me feel like I'm in seventh grade again. Such bliss :)
p.s. that's not a picture of me... just some Google lady
Don't let the "orange ick" fool you. It's not as bad as people made it out to be, but it's like drinking straight up sugar. It was all I could do to keep from vomiting when I drank it. I chugged it, and asked for some water =)
Sara! You look sooo cute! I pray you are feeling well, and getting prepared. What a blessed time--enjoy it, roseacea and all!
Ah, sounds like you two have got yourselves a little drummer boy. That's exciting. :)
Sara, I gained 10 lbs one month! Don't worry too much, a lot of it is probably fluids. I drank tons of decaf green tea with spenda to help with retaining water. I brewed a pot every day! And I have already lost a lot of weight since birth...breastfeeding helps you loose weight quickly...you can burn 700 calories a day!
Dr. Stafford is who I go to for our babies well visits!( I just found your blog through someone else's. ) I hope that the rest of your pregnancy goes well:) I also have the exact same rocker. Happy Easter! Tara
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