Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Over the Kitchen Sink

We don't have an automatic dishwasher.  At first I thought this would be wretched.  And, yes, sometimes I've forgotten how easy it was to just load up the dirties and press Start.  But honestly, I really enjoy washing dishes by hand.  

My Oomah (grandmother), has "over-the-sink" prayers as she works in the kitchen.  I love this and desire the habit, too.  

Sunlight streaming through the window, grease and muck flowing away down the drain, as hot soapy suds take their place.  The satisfaction of transforming a pile of defilement into gleaming, fresh, tableware  ...   what, you didn't know washing dishes could be such an experience??

If only it would work on THIS corner of the kitchen...


Unknown said...

haha! thanks for the encouragement to pray without ceasing... i needed that :) thanks

The Via Colony said...

Ha! I do like that idea of praying during those tasks that seem endless and never-ending=)

We got our first dishwasher when we moved here to Charlotte and are so grateful! I'll stick to praying over my endless loads of laundry instead=)

RosieLayne said...

I love this post! How precious to remember that we can speak to our Savior while doing the most mundane tasks... how blessed we are!