Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Here Goes.

I've hesitated to blog about this because I didn't want to seem "sales pitchy". But I can't contain it any longer.

Back story: My Crohn's returned when James was about 4 months old. My weight dropped below 100 lbs. Then below 95 lbs. The high calorie diet wasn't working. Tried weaning, he won't take the bottle, etc., etc. I was desperate and feeling worse every day.

Early in my pregnancy, my friend Susan told me about a vitamin and nutrient shake called Reliv that greatly helped an issue that she had. [Yes, it's a multi-level marketing company (MLM), which was why I was really uninterested at first]. I told her I'd keep it in mind, but that my Crohn's had gone into remission and we wanted to see if it would stay away. When my flare up hit, I decided to give it a go. It's just vitamins and nutrients. Safe enough for babies. Nothing to lose. I started 2 shakes a day on November 17.

Now: I haven't felt this good in a long, long time. I have energy, I feel hopeful, happy, and focused. I feel like the old Sara. And NO Crohn's pains. It started out gradually. Still at least a dozen pains a day - bad ones. Then fewer after a couple weeks. Then if I did have one, it was mild. Then at the end of the day I'd have to think if I'd had any at all. I'm still struggling to gain weight, but I've put about 5 lbs. back on.

I'm not naive. I scrutinized the way I felt every day and wrote down things that were the same and things that were different. After a while I just couldn't deny that I was really feeling better. Its just the nutrients that my body needs to work and repair itself like it should. That's all. Simple.

I'm just really excited that I'm feeling better. It's an answer to prayer, that's all.


Donna C. said...

Hallelujah, hallelujah!!!

Evelyn & Floyd said...

um, i want to hear more. :) really. and i have your jumpy thing that i am so sorry i have not returned!


Susan Sene said...

Woo hoo!! I'm so excited that you're feeling well - good health is a great gift!!

Jan said...

I am so thankful for your results and happy that you are doing so well. Praise HIM. :)

Helen Joy said...

Praise the Lord! Actually I have heard wonders about Reliv. I tried it for Barclay's reflux but I don't think I was consistent enough about it at all. He was so little and didn't like taking it. I'm so glad it's working for you! I've heard that blackberry wine ( the Jewish kind) is so good for digestion.
My very close cousin has Chrones and it is just rough!