My mom sent me this hilarious pregnancy tracker website. The writers update the pregnant mother on week-by-week baby development, but do so in a clever yet medically sound way. My 28-week update included this line:

I hope I haven't been obsessive about it, but I really do love to wonder what little James will be like. Will he have the dark, massive hair that I'm expecting or will it be lighter, even red (there's a chance for that!)? Will he be openly expressive or more introverted? Will he have Jim's startling blue-green eyes, or my dark brown? Will he love music and rhythm like his Daddy? Just how long will his fingers and toes BE? What about his nose - will it be a Longenecker or a Stack nose? These are just a few questions that roll around in my little noggin as the days pass.
It's like knowing and loving someone intimately and then forgetting what they look like. Your brain desperately tries to knit together the proportions and measures of their face and then right before it is finished, it quickly dissipates. I already have such a deep love for this little person, and it seems so bizarre to not even know what he looks like!
After reading Psalm 139, our worship pastor mused on Sunday how, "...wonderful that we won't have to be introduced to God when we see Him on that glorious day. He will already know us inside and out and love us perfectly." He doesn't have to wonder what we look like. He knows every hair on our head and has known our thoughts from afar.
James' Maker will not be surprised at the thickness of his hair or the curve of his chin. He won't be surprised because it will be exactly as He fashioned.